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\ 歲末優惠 / Flat One+ 智慧水族燈85折,水草植栽輕鬆養出好狀態!
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9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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新會員享首購折 $100 優惠,點我註冊!!

90 x 45 x 45 (cm) | 森之洞谷 | Aqua Design Fanden


| Tank Info


◼︎ Tank Size:90 x 45 x 45 (cm)


◼︎ The Date Of Post : 2017.9.22  ( 4 weeks)


◼︎ Tank Age : 2017.09


◼︎ Product:FLAT ONE 90cm Standard style


◼︎ Setting of Daylight Circle : 100% light, 10 hours a day 


| Plant Info


◼︎淚眼莫絲 ◼︎Vesicularia antipyretica 小三角莫絲 

◼︎Fissidens fontanus 鳳尾苔 ◼︎Alternanthera reineckii "variegata". 豹紋血心蘭 

◼︎Anubias Nana “Golden 迷你黃金小榕 ◼︎Rotala sp. 紅宮庭 

◼︎Micranthemum sp. 新大珍珠草



| Artist Info


◼︎ Aquascaping Designer:Aqua  Design Fanden 水族范店


◼︎ Country:Taiwan  台灣


◼︎ Product Review ​:



◼︎ Total score : 4.5 of 5