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新會員享首購折 $100 優惠,點我註冊!!

60 x 30 x 36(cm) | andrianscaper


| Tank Info


◼︎ Tank Size:60 x 30 x 36 (cm)


◼︎ The Date Of Post : October 2018


◼︎ Tank Age : 2 month


◼︎ Product:FLAT ONE 60cm Standard style x 1


◼︎ Setting of Daylight Circle : Blue 15, White 85, Brightness 100%, 8 hrs everyday


| Plant Info


◼︎ Rotala Green 青蝴蝶 ◼︎ Pearlweed 珍珠草 ◼︎ Rotala Rotundifolia 豬母乳 ◼︎ Rotala Mini Buttefly 迷你紅蝴蝶 ◼︎ Rotala Colorata 紅宮廷 ◼︎ Ludwigia Super Red Mini 迷你超紅葉底紅 ◼︎ Fissidens Fontanus 美國鳳尾苔 ◼︎ Monte Carlo 趴地矮珍珠 ◼︎ Glossostigma Elatinoides 矮珍珠 ◼︎ Mini Hairgrass 迷你牛毛氈◼︎ Hygrophilia Pinnafitida 羽裂水蓑衣 


| Fish Info


◼︎ Ember Tetra 噴火燈 ◼︎ Threadfin Rainbow 燕子美人 ◼︎ Siamese Algae Eater 黑線飛狐 ◼︎ Nerite Snail 蜜蜂角騾 ◼︎ Cherry Red Shrimp 玫瑰蝦 ◼︎ Otocinclus 小精靈


| Artist Info


◼︎ Aquascaping Designer:andrianscaper


◼︎ Country:Philippines 菲律賓


◼︎ Product Review ​: 

Hello I’m Andrian! Aquascaper from the Philippines. The amazing ONF Flat One. The design is very simple and sophisticated. I have been using ONF Flat One for over four months and I must say the rendition of the colors of the fish and the plants are amazing. Plants that require high lighting to produce vibrant colors will be growing so well under the ONF lighting. What I also like about ONF is the ability to control the equipment from your smartphone and that is amazing! You can choose the color temperature, the timer from your phone. I have been in Aquascaping for 3 years now and I must say that I am now happy to be using ONF because I can grow difficult plants that require high end lighting which I haven’t done before.