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\ 歲末優惠 / Flat One+ 智慧水族燈85折,水草植栽輕鬆養出好狀態!
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新會員享首購折 $100 優惠,點我註冊!!

60 x 30 x 36 (cm)  | mikes_aquarium


| Tank Info


◼︎ Tank Size:60 x 30 x 36 (cm)


◼︎ Tank Age:3 month


◼︎ Product:Flat One 60cm Standard style x 1


◼︎ Setting of Daylight Circle :

I started my aquarium the 26th of November. During the first 3 weeks i had 65% light intensity with 85W 15B - settings. Light period was 5hrs, later on I gradually increased the light so that day 35 I was on 100% intensity and light period of 8hrs. I've laborated some with the color balance , but found that 85% white and 15% blue was perfect for me.


| Plant Info


◼︎ Eleocharis acicularis Mini 迷你牛毛氈 ◼︎ Staurogyne repens 南美叉柱花 ◼︎ Cryptocoryne parva 迷你椒草 ◼︎ Cryptocoryne albida Brown 亞比椒草 ◼︎ Cryptocoryne x willisii 皺葉椒草 ◼︎ Bucephalandra sp Red 辣椒榕 ◼︎ Cryptocoryne wendtii Green 綠溫蒂椒草 ◼︎ Vesicularia dubyana Christmas 聖誕莫絲 ◼︎ Mini Christmas moss 松茸莫斯 ◼︎ Bolbitis heudelotii 黑木蕨 ◼︎ Microsorum pteropus Trident 三叉铁皇冠 ◼︎ Rotala wallichii 红松尾 ◼︎ Rotala Vietnam Hra 紫宫廷 ◼︎ Anubias Petite 袖珍小 ◼︎ Marsilea hirsuta 澳洲田字草


| Fish Info


◼︎ Pseudomugil furcatus x 6 霓虹燕子 ◼︎ Crossocheilus oblongus x 3 穗唇魮 ◼︎ Otocinclus x 3 小精靈 ◼︎ Amanos x 12 大和藻蝦


| Artist Info


◼︎ Aquascaping Designer:mikes_aquarium


◼︎ Youtube Chanel ​: https://www.instagram.com/mikes_aquarium/?hl=zh-tw


I started my aquarium the 26th of November. During the first 3 weeks i had 65% light intensity with 85W 15B - settings. Light period was 5hrs, later on I gradually increased the light so that day 35 I was on 100% intensity and light period of 8hrs. I've laborated some with the color balance , but found that 85% white and 15% blue was perfect for me.


Thoughts and results:

I really love the feature of bluetooth with ONF, no need for additional timers which takes space in the cabinet. The mobile app works like a charm. Light intensity is really strong , and you need to really inspect and watch the plants so it isn't too strong in the initial stages of the aquarium setup. I had a smooth run with lowering the intensity to 65%. The design is totally superb, the sleek design and aluminium finish makes it almost sexy ! :) If there is something to "complain" about is the size of the light. Depending on the scape you have done it can be difficulty to trim the plants, due to the lights size. On a 60P it covers almost 50% of the surface, which is large! But besides from that, its really nice! I've used the light since the 26th of November -18 and will continue using it for a long time !


Personal Introduction:

My name is Michael Ben-Zur, I'm 33 years of age and lives in Sweden together with my wife. Im working as a IT-Coordinator at a municipality and just love what I do. At my spare time I love fixing with the aquarium and all that comes with it. Well - The algae bit isn't that fun though :) With the aquascaping hobby came also photography and I really enjoy taking that perfect shot , either if it's Macro or fish eye - all is fun. Everyone has their own "aquascaping style" and I guess mine is more of a jungle-like. I love the more natural way plants take and shapes the hardscape.. To see a aquascape mature is one of the finest you can do. If you have any questions or just want to say hi - don't hesitate to contact me :) See my work on Instagram on the following account : mikes_aquarium