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\ 歲末優惠 / Flat One+ 智慧水族燈85折,水草植栽輕鬆養出好狀態!
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9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

新會員享首購折 $100 優惠,點我註冊!!

30 x 30 x 30 (cm) | erkutakyildiz


| Tank Info


◼︎ Tank Size:30 x 30 x 30 (cm)


◼︎ Tank Age : 5 months


◼︎ Product:Flat Nano+ x 1


◼︎ Setting of Daylight Circle : 7 hours 100% Brightness


| Plant Info


◼︎ Ludwigia palustris 葉底紅 ◼︎ Rotala Vietnam Hra 紫宮庭 ◼︎ Elatine hydropipe 馬蹄溝繁縷 ◼︎ Pogostemon helferi 噴泉太陽 ◼︎ Rotala green 青蝴蝶


| Fish Info


◼︎ Tetra 燈魚 ◼︎ Otto cat fish 小精靈

◼︎ Snails 螺 ◼︎ Blue shrimps 釉彩臘膜蝦


| Artist Info


◼︎ Aquascaping Designer:Tropictank


◼︎ Country:Canada 加拿大


◼︎ Youtube Chanel ​: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTropictank/featured


◼︎ Product Review ​:

Perfect light with useful app! Also color specs and growth rate is perfect like regular flat nano.